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Breathwork with Katy: The journey from ordinary to extraordinary. A weekend exploration into the power of your breathing and how to harness it. 

  • The Vinyasa People Yoga Studio 1A Kaiserstraße Bonn, NRW, 53113 Germany (map)

Breathwork with Katy: The journey from ordinary to extraordinary. A weekend exploration into the power of your breathing and how to harness it. 

Breathwork and Pranayama is a hot topic and for good reason! A recent study conducted by Andrew D. Huberman, found that a brief 5 minutes of Breathwork out preformed meditation for improving mood, autonomic regulation and lowering stress - but how does this work and how can it be done? In this weekend exploration we will look at the breathing fundamentals and how they apply to you personally! You can expect a good mix of practical and theoretical sessions as we use the medium of experience to embody the power of breathing before using the mind to understand it. 

What to expect: A breath journey to kick off the day and to awaken your interest into the power of breathing before settling down for two mini afternoon workshops to explore the theoretical components as well as to learn applicable techniques to take into your daily life. 

Who is this for? Anyone interested in breathing, meditation and overall mind-body awareness. Due to the intensity of the breath journey please inform us if you have any medical issues we should know about. 



  • Breath Journey - What you put in is what you get out

  • Break

  • Breathing 101: Getting to know your toolkit - Belly, Chest and Diaphragmatic breathing (2 Hours)

  • Breathing 101: Nose vs Mouth Breathing (2 Hours)


  • Breath Journey - Lean in 

  • Breathing 101: Inhale, exhale and the subtle pauses (2 Hours)

  • Breathing 101: Breath Awareness and Conscious breathing (2 Hours)


What is a Breath Journey? These are 2 hour sessions where you have the opportunity to use your breath as a vehicle for transformation. We will begin with the breathing practice which will be lying down. Here Katy will guide you through a series dynamic and intense breathing patterns designed to shake up the nervous system in order to facilitate tangible change. - Approx. 45-60 minutes.

A long meditation follows. This will be conducted lying down and is an integral part of the practice, think of savasana but on a new level! – Approx. 20-30 minutes.

We end each journey with an opportunity to share, compare and digest the experience. Participation in this part of the journey is not compulsory and participants can choose to listen only. Approx. 30 mins. 

  • Breathing 101: Getting to know your toolkit- Belly, Chest and Diaphragmatic Breathing. - Understanding how we breath as individuals is the first step! Yes, breathing is an innate action but life repatterns the body and awareness is often lost along the way. In this mini workshop we will discover our own unique breathing habits with the hope that a new awareness of how and why we breathe within specific areas of the body can help improve your overall breathing health. 

  • Breathing 101: Nose vs Mouth Breathing: The right way to breath. - Did you know humans are born obligate breathers and that over time we learn to use the mouth? In this mini workshop we will look at nose vs mouth breathing and decide for ourselves which to use and when. 

  • Breathing 101: Inhale, exhale and the subtle pauses: Bliss lies somewhere in between. - We have four stages in every breath cycle we take! Each stage has a specific function and when we learn this, we can use this knowable to manipulate our breathing for a higher purpose.

  • Breathing 101: Breath Awareness and Conscious breathing: The meaning of it all. - From awareness grows the true potential to change and in this mini workshop we look at how we can use our breathing as a vehicle to meditation and beyond. 

There is also the opportunity to join for only the Breath Journey in either of the morning sessions. Just follow the link below to book.


`Katy guided me through my first breath journeys. Each time we were a small group of people and she created a peaceful space where I felt very comfortable. Thanks to her guidance I was able to let lose and get  fully engaged. Throughout the journey I knew what was happening and knew she was observing us closely - which made me feel safe. I felt like I had the option to stop my journey at any moment - which gave me good sense of security without the pressure to perform. The experiences differ for everyone - personally my breath journeys helped me in finding closure on personal topics that were keeping my mind and body busy without me noticing. I still feel the benefist from the experience months later.I would do another breath journey with Katy anytime. She is a wonderful guide/teacher and someone I trust - which is very important to me, as it is such a personal experience.`


Full weekend: 240€

Full weekend early bird: 220€ (until 1.3.24)

Breath journey session only: 25€

With an "TVP Membership" you will receive 10% off our workshops in the Yoga studio and in our Yin Nation Store as well. If you wish to take advantage of your membership discount please get in contact with the TVP Team via email before you book any workshop and we will send you the discounted invoice.