Ashtanga Mysore Style

Beginner / All levels

The Ashtanga practice consists of a specific and predetermined sequence of postures linking breath and movement. In this class, you get to learn the system and order of the asana sequence, the alignment of your breathing with the asana. Please be aware that in this class, you will be adjusted by the teacher. Each student is practicing on their own while the teacher is present, walking around, correcting your alignment and teaching you the next postures.

Ashtanga Led class / Half primary series

Level 2-3

During a Led Class the teacher guides the students through the Asthanga series using the traditional vinyasa count in Sanskrit. This helps students to learn and maintain the correct order of postures and adds a steady rhythm to the practice. This class requires prior experience in Ashtanga Yoga and students should be familiar with the sequence up to Navasana. If you are new to Ashtanga Yoga, we invite you to join a Ashtanga Mysore class or contact us about upcoming beginners courses.

Ashtanga REMIX class

Level 2-3

Ashtanga REMIX class. Based on the Ashtanga Primary Series, this class combines Ashtanga with elements of other yoga styles for a more accessible class. The perfect Friday evening class for Vinyasa & Ashtanga yogis alike!

Following the framework of the primary series, you can expect to move, sweat, follow the breath and challenge yourself in this dynamic class! Think of it as a friendly version of Ashtanga Led.

Although a “lighter” version of a led class, this is still a dynamic and intense class so experience in yoga is recommended.

Jivamukti Open Class

Level 2

This class presents classical yoga teachings as relevant to one’s life on and off the mat, drawn from the Focus of the Month essay, supported by chanting, breath awareness, flowing vinyasa sequences, alignment exploration, hands-on assistance, relaxation and meditation. The class incorporates the five tenets of Jivamukti Yoga: shastra (scripture), bhakti (devotion), ahimsa (kindness), nada (music), dhyana (meditation).
Students should know that there will not be much detailed “how to do” descriptions.

Hatha - Thorough & Balanced

All levels

Hatha Yoga always aims to establish balance and a deeper state of harmony. ‘Ha’ standing for ‘sun’ (also known as ‘Yang’, the masculine principle) and ‘Tha’ standing for ‘moon’ (‘Yin’, the feminine principle). ‘Yoga’ in this context is understood as ‘union’. Traditionally a class starts with some sort of joint releasing and then moves into activating dynamic flows (like sun salutation). After energy is gathered in the system we move into held poses with an emphasis on strengthening the body. Towards the end we stretch and melt into longer held poses and as we lay down in final Savasana we integrate the practice on deeper levels. Each class being designed to leave you with a sense of greater clarity and peace.

Vinyasa Flow

  • Level 1

  • Level 2

  • All levels

Vinyasa aligns a deliberate sequence of poses with the breath to achieve a continuous “Flow”. It's a broad classification that encompasses many different types of Yoga. In contemporary Yoga parlance, Vinyasa stands in opposition to Hatha. Hatha classes tend to focus on one pose at a time with rest in between. In contrast, “Flow” classes string poses together to make a sequence.  An inhalation is usually connected to upward, open movements, while an exhalation is often tied to downward movements or twists. Vinyasa allows for a lot of variety, but will almost always include sun salutations.

  • Level 1 - the level one classes are the perfect place to start if you are new to yoga or if you are simply looking for a slower-paced practice. Expect to have asanas (postures) explained and these classes are accessible to all of our students regardless of experience.

  • Level 2 - Our level two classes are medium to high intensity and are best suited to those with some yoga experience. Expect fewer detailed explantations and be prepared for your heart rate to rise in these uplifting classes!

  • All levels - a blend of level 1 and level 2! Suitable for beginners who have already attended some yoga classes and straight through to experienced students. In this class the teacher will give you options or modifications to make the class accessible to you.

Yin Yoga

All Levels

Yin Yoga is a quiet, passive style. The postures are derived from the traditional yoga exercises and are mainly taken in a sitting or lying position with the support of props (bolster/blocks/belt) for mostly 3-5 minutes. With the help of gravity, increased stretching is achieved without any pressure to perform, in order to reach the deeper fasciae and subtle levels of the body and release underlying tension, remove blockages in the meridian lines and facilitate the balancing of the bodies internal organs and systems.

Stretch & Restore

All levels

90 Minuten Fokus auf Atmung und Dehnung. Ein sanfter Flow mit restorative Elementen und Pranayama ohne (viele) Vinyasas, bei dem die Asana etwas länger gehalten werden, um den Blick nach Innen zu richten. Wie fühlt sich die Atmung an, wie der Körper - und was macht der Kopf bei all dem?
Beginner Yogis sind willkommen!

Back to Basics

All levels

No rush! Everybody is welcome to find a way back to base. It’s a dynamic but easy class perfect for all levels. Repeating fundamental key aspects in the asana practice, for example, how to connect your breath with movements like sun salutations, the use of “bandhas” or to find your correct alignment in postures.

A great class to get your day underway open to all levels of yogis! In this Vinyasa Flow class, we move with a conscious sequence of postures in synchronization with breath, achieving connection to our active Prana (energetic) state of being— body and mind. Vinyasa Flow offers a lot of freedom to be creative and playful as we move through several sun salutations, various standing/balancing/grounding postures for stretch and stability, and active pranayama exercises… all leading us towards a dreamy savasana.

Morning Vinyasa

All levels

Student drop price 8 Euros

Lunchtime Flow

All levels

These 60 minutes Vinyasa Yoga classes give you a chance to reset in the middle of your day without making it a super sweaty flow class. Take a healthy break from your work day to move your body and breeeeathe, so you can return to your day chilled and ready to roll!

The Foundations Class

All Levels

Drop-in Price 9 Euros

Our foundations class aims to give newly qualified teachers the chance to build experience, earn money and gain student feedback in a supportive studio environment.

We are passionate at TVP that our Teacher Trainee Alumni continue to be supported by us not only during their Teacher Training but also after as they find their own path in their yoga journey. 

With that being said, it is also important to us that any student who attends a class at The Vinyasa People, can expect a high quality, experienced and capable teacher.

So introducing the Foundations Class - where you can attend a class by a newly qualified teacher for a smaller charge than our usual classes.

This class will not be on each week due to timetable availability, but you can expect to see it when there are no workshops or trainings on. The teacher will also change sporadically. 

Pilates Hour

All Levels

“Pilates is about stretch, strength and control.”

-Romana Kryzanowska

In this class you will learn to control the body and breath in order build suppleness in the spine, strength in the core and support in the joints. Think of it as a full body “tune-up” for the vehicle that carries you through life. This class is accessible to all levels.

Prana Flow

All Levels

Prana Flow is all about bringing your energy body to life. 

This class combines an accessible Vinyasa style Asana practice with breath, bandha, kriya and meditation practices drawn from the Tantric tradition. You can expect a thorough, focused Asana practice incorporating a variety of techniques to help you come into deeper access to your energy body. After Savasana, there will be a 10-15 minute seated pranayama or meditation practice to close.

Your Prana Flow teacher is Sarah Olivia. Sarah has been teaching at TVP for 5 years and is a 500YTT. She did her first Teacher Training in Tantra Hatha yoga and her second in Vinyasa and Pranayama. 

Sarah has a daily yoga practice devoted to the aliveness of her energy body and is honoured to share the tools with you to allow you to experience that aliveness in yourself. 


All Levels

Meditieren lernen, inneren Frieden finden

So wie wir unseren Körper trainieren, um fit und gesund zu sein, so können wir auch unseren Geist schulen, um positive und glückliche Geisteszustände in uns zu kultivieren und zu fördern.

In dieser Serie lernst du einfache und wirksame Meditationstechniken praktisch kennen, die du auch leicht im Alltag üben und anwenden kannst. Diese Übungen helfen dir bewusst Stress, Ängste und Sorgen loszulassen, um tief zu entspannen und innerlich abzuschalten. Gleichzeitig führen sie zu einem Zustand inneren Friedens, erhöhter Klarheit und einem Gefühl reinen Glücks, das von innen kommt.

Kelsang Rigma eine moderne buddhistische Nonne und seit langer Zeit eine vertrauensvolle Schülerin von Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Ihr ereignisreiches Leben gab ihr immer wieder die Gelegenheit den Wert des Kadam Dharma zu schätzen, seine Weisheit praktisch anzuwenden und dadurch ihr Leben bewußt und mit Freude zu leben. Sie unterrichtet mit Begeisterung und ihre Anleitungen und Unterweisung sind von praktischer Herzlichkeit und Klarheit geprägt.